Beach Ready - Lovely You
I love the beach, no matter what the season! Just the atmosphere, the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore and the lovely harmonious scenery brings me a feeling of serenity. Beholding the beauty of creation also gives me a grande reminder of how great God is. A reminder that my Redeemer Lives!
Just to imagine that God said “Let there be…” and it was! I find so much comfort and peace, knowing that I am a child of the Maker of the Universe and he is taking care of me every step of the way! 
I pray that you will also find peace and comfort in that!
Linking up with Style Elixir!


  1. i see some cute separates that need to make their way into my closet! and i can hear the waves + feel the sun now;) have a good day!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Chandra! I pray that you have a great day!!

    1. Thanks so much! I pray blessings for you and your family!!

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