I don’t know about you but I feel like there is just not enough hours in a day! So I’m challenged to become more and more intentional on how I spend my time. Most of my day involves Homeschooling, which I use the Ultimate Homeschool Planner for lesson planning. But that only means that I’m left with a few hours a day for working on home and business tasks. So I use a ‘To-Do List’. Now much can be said about to do lists whether they are actually effective or not. But today I’m sharing 3 Ways to Beast Your To-Do List.

Beast Your To Do List

3 Ways to Beast Your To-Do List

  1. If-Then Plan. So if you use a ‘To Do List’ as I do, you sometimes are challenged with actually completing a task on your list. You say what’s the point of making a list if you are not going to follow through and actually get something done, right? So I came across this concept which will get you crossing items off your list starting today. Try implementing the If-Then Plan. This plan actually pushes you to actually “Do” (or Implement) tasks from your to do list by assigning a time to each task. Using “If (or When) ___________ occurs, then I will ________________.” For instance, “When the kids are in quiet time, then I will workout.”
  2. Focus. Focus on one (1) thing at a time. Being busy does not always equal productivity. Sometimes I feel super busy but at the end of the day, I feel as though I have nothing to show for it. So take a look at your ‘If-Then Plan’ and FOCUS on getting at least one particular item done. Then by the end of the day you would have completed one entire task or made some great head way on it.
  3. Outsource. That’s right, outsource some of the things that can be handled by someone else. Unfortunately, you can’t clone yourself into 5 different people. Sometimes you just can’t do it all. So consider hiring help. Like a cleaning service to help with the major cleaning of your home. Hire an assistance for your business or virtual assistance. Hiring help will free up some of your time so that you can focus on your actual to-do list.

What others things would you add to the list in order to Beast your To-Do list?


  1. Great information! I love the concept of assigning a time to each item on a “to-do” list.

  2. I like the if then when suggestion. I usually do the focu’s part though. If I do this task then I will do that next. Somedays are just better then others.

  3. I agree there are just never enough hours in the day! Hats off to you for home-schooling; a wonderful thing to do and you have some great suggestions here on organizing yourself and your time. Love it!

  4. I’ve been flying by the seat of my pants lately, trying my best to cross everything off my to-do list. Your post is timely and highly informative. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I use the “David your Goliath” method and get done the most annoying / least anticipated task first. Once I get through that, I feel accomplished and can get through the smaller things.

  6. Focussing on one thing at a time helps me ace my lists.Love outsourcing.

  7. Focusing on the essentials is key. I’m always trying to refocus my mind with everything going on around our home. Perks of working from home, right?

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