A Bible-based plan for anyone wanting to RENEW their love for God and to GROW in the love of God. Join the Love Challenge! This free Bible-based plan is for anyone wanting to renew their love for God, prioritize Him in their life and grow in the love of God.Read More →

I’m growing in the Lord. And thus I’m becoming “good” soil. You see I used to be the soil that you’d find by the wayside and I used to be rocky soil and I used to be thorny soil. But I’m becoming “good” soil. And I say becoming because I’mRead More →

The Lord will fight for you. I remember how Moses was hurting for his people, the Israelites.Because they were oppressed and being mistreated by the Egyptians. Unknown to Moses at the time, God already had a plan for His people. And Moses was included in that plan to be usedRead More →

New beginnings are scary. And so much so, that we often shy away from trying new things, right? Simply out of fear. But I believe that God wants to do a new thing in us this year. If we allow Him to do so. See, I am doing a new thing!Read More →

Year in Review 2020 What a year, right? We’ve all heard it said that this has been an unprecedented year…one that we will all remember! It has been quite a year of loss, transition and change. But although it has been a hard year, it has also been a GODRead More →

To Patiently Endure. They say that patience is a virtue…like what does that even mean? I wonder sometimes when my patience has become as thin as ice. Or times when it feels as if one more thing could make you lose all of your God-given marbles. I feel as ifRead More →

Get Up! Words on being “Doers” of the Word of God. “Get up”…This is what the Angel of the Lord says to Joseph in Matthew 2… At this point Mary has already given birth to baby Jesus. And her and Joseph are in Bethlehem. Herod the king is in searchRead More →

As fitting for this season, today I’m sharing “The Magi – A Story on Seeking Jesus”. In the Bible, we find the Magi in the 2nd chapter of Matthew. And they are seeking the Messiah. As the story goes, they saw his star and went searching for the one whoRead More →

Can you agree that we live in a day that is so full of distractions? A day that is also full of an over abundance of “to do” lists, unfinished projects, and lots of multi-tasking. And an emphasis and almost a pressure to doing “all the things” in as littleRead More →

“There is One that is coming.” These are the words of John the Baptist. Words spoken by the one who’s voice also cried out in the wilderness, “prepare ye the way of the Lord”. The voice of the one who leapt in his mother Elizabeth’s womb while Jesus was stillRead More →