God Holds It All Together
Photo by Chad Madden on Unsplash

We all have them.

Things that remind us of events that have happened in our life. Whether good or bad. 

They can leave us celebrating something wonderful or they can leave us reeling over a devastation or a disappointment of the past. 

And at that moment our peace is potentially hijacked. 

It happened to me earlier last week when I heard of a devastating loss that impacted one of my friend’s family. 
It triggered me.

Reminding me of the sudden losses experienced in my own family. And it brought back thoughts of so much loss. 
It’s the worst. 

And I begin to think “Lord, I wish that all of the loss, pain and grief weren’t part of my story. 

Then a few days later, I got news that we had a devastating loss in my family. We lost my aunt and baby cousin in a tragic accident.

I had and STILL really have no words for this one. 
It just hurts BIG.

And if you were to ask if I’m okay. 
No, I’m really NOT okay right now. 

And it is okay to not be okay right now…boy have I learned this over the years…

That it’s okay to grieve. 
That it’s okay to not be okay. 
And that grieving is the natural response to loss. 

And though, I’m not okay right now. 
I know that I WILL be okay.

Because Jesus has brought me through every single loss in the past, no matter how unbearable it felt at the moment. 

And I’m telling you at times I’ve felt like I would just break and lose it. 

But Jesus brought me through, He is bringing me through and He is not going to stop with this one. 

I’m reminded that loss and grief is not foreign to Jesus.
And that hurt and tragedy are not new to Him.

I’m reminded that He can hold us in our grief with the perfect understanding of what we are feeling. At each moment. 


I love that God holds us during hard times….when we don’t know what to say and when we don’t know how to pray.

“He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1:17 NIV

In his book “A Grace Disguised, Jerry Sittser says, “Sometimes, when overcome by suffering, we do not know how to pray. But, Paul said, our dumbness before God is not offensive to him or indicative of a lack of faith. Instead, it is an invitation for God to draw near and to intercede for us “with groans that words cannot express,”” like a good mother does when holding a distraught child on her lap.”

So even when it feels as if it’s all falling apart.
Even when I feel as if I’m falling apart.
He holds me together.
And He will hold you together. 
Because God holds it all together.

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God Holds It All Together