Mother’s Day can be such a challenging time for those navigating challenging yet grief-worthy trials of Motherhood, the loss of a Mother, and those who have experienced child/infant loss, miscarriage, or loss of any type. This is a collection of beautiful resources that will help to bring hope and healingRead More →

For the grieving Christian, Jesus’ death affirms our grief. Jesus told his disciples and followers on multiple occasions that he would die. He didn’t allude to it, he told them flat-out what would happen. Jesus said to them, “The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands ofRead More →

mother and daughter on grass

Join me as I sit with my friend Sydnei from Mom in the Moment. She is the author of the new children’s book The Heaven Phone, a resource to navigate grief with kids. Because navigating loss and grief as adults can be challenging but what happens when you add childrenRead More →

Grief is indeed a journey, yeah? For me, it’s taken over 20 plus years to even begin to really tend to my grief and to process it at a level where true healing can begin. Writing my forthcoming book Can You Just Sit With Me has been such an integralRead More →

The holidays bring along with them the pressure to put on a happy face even when we are unhappy. And it makes grief during the season of joy even harder. But, do you know that you are allowed to grieve regardless of the time of year? Whether you suffered theRead More →

The holidays are here. No, really they are! So, how do you plan to cope with grief? I know you’d rather not think about it. Same here. And yet, when we try not to think about it, we actually do. But here’s the thing, I’m sure you already know howRead More →

You don’t know what you don’t know, right? That’s parenting in a nutshell, especially with teens. It’s like you enter a whole new world. Behind Closed Doors: A Guide to Help Parents and Teens Through Life’s Toughest Issues by Jessica L. Peck was written to help parents “meet teens whereRead More →

“Hi, I’m your neighbor from across the street. I just wanted to bring some things by”. The words flew out of my mouth faster than she could get the door open. She smiled as I repeated myself.  “Hi, I’m your neighbor from across the street. I just wanted to bringRead More →

Sometimes God intentionally leads us on the longer path. This is the thought I had when I read passages in Exodus a few weeks ago, as part of our family devotional time. And it still resonates with me today. I’d read and heard these passages before but it was aRead More →