Establish a Daily Routine for New Baby

Establish a Daily Routine for New BabyEstablish a Daily Routine for New Baby. Just the thought of establishing any type of routine for a new baby seems impossible. But it really isn’t once they get to an appropriate age. I would say that the age to start is around 3-4 months old…any younger will just bring upon frustration because baby is really just getting adjusted to being out into the world at this point.

With my other babies, I was working full-time in corporate so I was only out of work with them for about 3 months each. So essentially the daycare in which they attended during the day, established their daily routine or lack there of. Being home with our newest edition has been so interesting and a learning curve for me. I have never been home with a baby past 3 months so interestingly enough; I didn’t know what to do during the day until I thought…I have got to get some type of routine together.

I was surprised that she was awake for most of the day only taking quick 10-20 minute naps. I recall the other kids having slept all day at daycare and us having to deal with a wakeful child all hours of the night. So although I was happy that she was awake during the day, my thoughts were “what do I do” with all this ‘wakeful’ time. So, I established the following daily routine for our baby.

5:30a – Feed

6:00a – Nap (I call this a nap but this is still my ‘sleep’ time.)

8:00a – Snuggle time (I hold her during this time. It seems to make a difference when I put her down to play and it’s a great bonding time as well.)

9:00a – Exer-saucer/Play Mat/ Tummy Time

10:00a – Feed/Snuggle time

10:30a – Nap

11:00a – Read/Look at Picture Books/Sing

Repeat the above for the afternoon.

7:30p – Nap (Eventually this will be bedtime. For now she wakes up after a short while)

8:00p – Bath time/Snuggle/Feed

10:00p – Bedtime. She currently sleeps from this time until 2:30a, then wakes at 5:30a.

Keep in mind that each baby is different and also with this routine it’s not about the timing as it is more about the sequence of activities that are being done with the baby. Thus, building a routine for them.

Did you establish a routine for new baby? What worked/didn’t work for you?




  1. Routine has been so important for us with our little one. It really does make life so much smoother.

    1. User Avatar

      Definitely! Thanks!

    1. User Avatar

      Thanks so much Amanda!

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