You’ve heard it said that ‘life is better together’. Well, I’m here to tell you that life is also better when you read together. So today, I’m sharing about FaithWords Book Club and ‘Take the Day Off’ Book.

Take the Day Off

Have you ever started reading a book, then put it down for a few days? Then days turned into weeks, then months? Only, to then you pick it up, to start it again? Hey, I’ve been there. But I have found that when I’m reading along with others, whether in a bible study group or book club, that I get through the books as I originally intended.

Book Clubs provide a sense of accountability to finish what you started, brings new insights to what you’re reading and opportunity to meet other like minded individuals. Now, the FaithWords Book Club is a private Facebook group that is only available to join upon request. New books are selected to discuss seasonly. A cool perk is that they have some authors like Joyce Meyer and T.D. Jakes and more, pop in to answer questions or to say hi. They offer some exclusive giveaways in the group, share unseen videos from our authors, and much more.

The group is currently studying “Take the Day Off” by Pastor Robert Morris with special “guest visits” from other FaithWords authors as well. And I am enjoying this book so much. It has been a much needed resource for me as it has been a challenge for me to ‘REST’.

Take the Day Off

The book discusses God’s principles for rest and reminds us as believers that rest is actually a command from God. And that rest is vital for our overall wellbeing. Check out the video from Pastor Robert Morris below.

JOIN THE FREE FAITHWORDS BOOK CLUB here or by clicking on the image below.

FaithWords Book Club

And finally, here’s your chance to win a copy of Take the Day Off by Robert Morris. Enter to win here!

And then read what a few others have to say about the book:

“I strongly encourage every believer to read and reread this book. I pray it becomes a staple in every Christian home, where we function at our highest level, and can in turn raise a generation to do the same.”

– Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, Author of The Way of Life and Raising Giant-Killers

“A must-read if you’re feeling overwhelmed and struggling for a light at the end of the tunnel.”

– Danny Gokey, Grammy-nominated recording artist

FaithWords Book Club

“As I work with CEOs and other high performers, overload is one of their biggest issues. The boundaries of time and space have disappeared…You are never safe until you remember that God has commanded us to protect some time to rest. Neuroscience and other fields have proven it to be true, and Robert gives us some practical ways to do it.”

– Dr. Henry Cloud, psychologist and co-author of Boundaries