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Lately, I have been gearing up for a 5k run! I mentioned to you previously that our church, utilizes “small groups” in order to promote fellowship and unity within the church. Well I am now a Small Group Leader and my group is doing the “Couch to 5k” program.

This small group is open to women, who are somewhat physically active or who would like to become more physically active. This semester we are tackling the “Couch to 5k” program which is designed to prepare the beginner runner to be able to run a 5k (approximately 3.12 miles) or 30 minutes without resting. The program requires participation 3 days per week, 20-30 minutes per session, for 9 weeks. This small group meets only one (1) day per week and participants are encouraged to complete the remaining 2 days on their own. The “Couch to 5k” is facilitated through a smart phone app or printable file, if needed.

The group started with about 20 participants but now there are about 7 faithful ladies in the group. We are currently on Week 7 of the program…getting to the home stretch. I must say that this has been tough and in my opinion definitely NOT a program for someone who is literally on the “Couch” but we have been pressing on and making it happen.

This group of ladies has totally been a blessing to me and I know to each other. I thought that accountability would be a great way to keep motivated and I was right. Knowing that there are a group of ladies looking to me as their group leader, has kept me pushing toward the finish line and I haven’t missed a workout or a meeting. So far, I ran 41.4 miles over the course of 20 days…I have impressed myself. I could not say that would’ve been the case without the accountability.

We stay connected during the week through a private group page on Facebook, where we post our pics, workouts and encouragement. We are also planning to participate in a 5k at the end of the program and we are pumped about it! That’s my Fitness Lately!

So, what does your fitness look like lately?


  1. Amazing, when others can have implemented support system, not just the mind, but the body of Christ.

    1. Author

      Thanks Vanessa and yes nothing like the fellowship of believers!

  2. This is way cool!! Good luck to you and I’m so inspired by these small groups within your church what a great way to grow in fellowship.

    1. Author

      Thanks so much! The small groups are super cool and the fellowship is awesome!

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