The Look| Via Marshalls
When I think of NYC, I think of Fashion! I’ve had the opportunity to visit once to see a show on Broadway and one thing is for sure; you see the most fashionable people walking along the streets. I like to call this look, my Floral Street Style. I saw this NYC t-shirt and really liked it. I’m not sure if New Yorkers actual wear shirts that say NYC on them…I personally wouldn’t wear a shirt that says North Carolina, lol, but NC is not known as a fashion capital! Besides, I think it’s really cute! Now to these floral tights! I have been purchasing more and more tights lately. In three words, they are: Comfy, Cute and Cheap! I’m continuing to push my envelope of keeping to solid colors and having a little fun with prints.

Here’s how some celebrities have worn floral pants:

Image via
Which look do you like best?

Linking up with Style Elixir, Funny PostPartum Lady, My Thrifty Chic, Her and Nicole!