Happy Monday!

Each Monday I will be hosting a Twitter Linkup! Simply follow me, your host via Twitter, linkup your Twitter account and connect with others that peak your interests. I’ve met so many amazing people through linkups; I hope that you will do the same!



<div class=”Happy Monday Twitter Link-up-button” style=”width: 125px; margin: 0 auto;”><a href=”https://lovelyyoublog.com” rel=”nofollow”><img src=”http://s1291.photobucket.com/user/natashasmith1228/media/Twitterlinkup_zpsf84d86c4.jpg.html” alt=”Lovely You Blog” width=”150″ height=”150″ /></a></div>


Now just link up your Twitter account!



  1. Thanks Natasha for hosting this – I should have typed Lynne-twitter instead of twitter link-up….I tried to add a corrected version, hoping to then go back and delete #2, but couldn’t because the url was the same. (which makes sense, I’m just not overly computer savvy, so these link-ups are pretty trial and error for me, especially since they all seem to be set up just a bit differently.) AT any rate – thanks for the chance to check out some new folks!

    1. Author

      Hi Lynne, thanks So much for linking up! I changed the name to Lynne-Twitter. I hope that you have a great week!!

    1. Author

      Yay, thanks Sarah!

  2. What a fun link-up … I’m following everyone and look forward to getting acquainted! 🙂

    1. Author

      Thanks so much for linking up and I am returning the follow! I hope that you have a great week!!!

      1. Thanks, Natasha … you too! 🙂

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