Yay, I nailed down our Homeschool Curriculum Choices for the upcoming year several weeks ago…more in front of the 8 ball this year!

Homeschool Curriculum Choices

We had an awesome end to our 2016-2017 year with our oldest who was a 5th grader scoring at an 8th grade level overall and in some subjects scoring even post high school! It really does my heart good knowing that we are exceeding goals. Our youngest homeschooler is not at testing age yet since for NC, you are not required to test until age 7.

I’m often asked why I have chosen to Homeschool and I’ve often been asked several times on several occasions by the same people as if my answer would change. It’s really quite interesting to me. But the fact remains that we question things we do not understand. I did the same when I first heard of Homeschooling about 7 years ago. There were many families at our church that homeschooled and quite honestly I thought it was weird…why because I didn’t understand it. But you’ve read my Homeschool Story before, God called me to Homeschool our kids. There is no other reason that I would be doing this. I’m a total business minded, business focus person and had goals to climb the Corporate ladder and was making decent strides. However, God’s plans are ALWAYS greater and I would choose his plans over mine any day. Sooo this is our 3rd year Homeschooling and we take it year by year with the leading of the Lord to see if we continue on this journey.

Now, there are so many ways to Homeschool, but I choose to actually teach the kids myself from the teacher resources provided with the curricula. I just really love the hands on approach and wouldn’t have it any other way since I am at home. But that may change, who knows…So here’s what we’ve got coming up this year.

Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2017-2018

6th Grader 

  • Bible –  Christian Evidences for Kids (Apologetics Press)
  • Language Arts – Grade 6 Language Arts Combo (Rod & Staff)
  • MathSaxon Math 7/6
  • Science – Exploring Creation (Anatomy & Physicology) + Lab Material  (Apologia)
  • History/Social Studies – History/Geography “Understanding Latin America (Rod & Staff)
  • Health/PEHorizons Health Grade 6
  • Typing – Typing Instructor for Kids (CD Rom)
  • Music – Area Homeschool Group (Chorus)
  • Art – Art Book + Online Resources

1st Grader

Are you a Homeschooler? Have you tried any of these? What are your choices for the upcoming year?