How to Be Firmly Planted

Each season of life brings upon challenges of its on. But no matter the challenge, God’s Word provides a way to overcome. This is how to be firmly planted.How to Be Firmly Planted-2

I am challenged with some “thing” everyday without fail. Whether its a fussy baby, a child that want listen to instruction, a MacBook Pro that just don’t want to work like it should…it is always something; big or small. The ultimate defense against the challenges of this world is our knowledge of the Word of God and our steadfastness in reading and meditating on the Word. With the adage, less of me and more of him.

“But his delight is in the law of the LordAnd on His law [His precepts and teachings] he [habitually] meditates day and night. And he will be like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season; Its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers [and comes to maturity]. Psalm 1:2-3

And when you are firmly planted in the Word of God; Each season will produce what you need…

[tweetthis]And when you are firmly planted in the Word of God; Each season will produce what you need…[/tweetthis]

when we need more joy, joy will be given;

when we need more love, love will be given;

when we need more peace, peace will be given…so on and so forth.

The point  is this…In every season of life, the fruit of the spirit that you need for that season will be produced in your life if you continue in the Word of God.

What are you in need of today? Dive into God’s Word to get it!