StressedIt’s amazing to me that I am in a continual state of discovering new things about myself even at my age. My hubby has mentioned to me several times that he thinks that I am a Type A personality. To be honest, I really didn’t know what that meant but I was thinking from his point of view, that I am really driven and self-motivated. I can agree! I can say because I am highly driven; every now and again I become overwhelmed; mainly my career, but family life and personal goals are also inclusive. So, I Google’d Type A personality to get a quick snapshot of what it really meant. I found a site that defined it and that had an actual Type A personality quiz.

Type A Personality Traits: Time Urgency/Impatience, Free-floating hostility or aggressiveness, strong achievement-orientation, certain physical characteristics that result from stress or Type A behavior over years. Another site suggests that Type A personalities are hard-driving, competitive, status-conscious, and seemingly achievement-addicted.

In reading the traits and the descriptions, the only things that sounded like me are competitiveness and a strong achievement-orientation. I am HIGHLY Driven but I really can’t claim the other traits…I am impatient at times and have a sense of urgency over things that really important but aren’t we all? I am definitely not an aggressive person either. So after taking the quiz, here are my results:

“You have some Type A features, but are not the ‘typical Type A’. You can probably really benefit from the resources below. While your health and happiness aren’t as threatened as some, your chances for improvement are that much greater than those with much stronger Type A tendencies. With some lifestyle changes and a few stress relief techniques, you may be in great shape!”

Interesting…although this was not a very comprehensive quiz; I did answer the questions honestly and with some thought. I do believe it captured me though. I think that I do have some Type A traits and as mentioned above; I can use a few stress relief techniques to aid with my overall well-being. I’ve mentioned the use of stress relief methods in previous Wellness Wednesday Posts on Stress Management Part I and Part II, not really realizing at the time that some of my stress is caused by my personality.

Do you know your personality type? Are their traits that you have to keep an eye on?