PhonicsReading IS Fundamental!

Do you remember the “Hooked on Phonics” program? It made its debut in 1987 and became very popular in the 1990s. You could always see a TV commercial advertising its benefits.

Per the Hooked on Phonic’s siteThe new Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read instructional approach and techniques are based on current research about how children learn to read. The programs build systematically from letters to sounds, then to words and sentences, and ultimately to reading fluency. In line with this approach, the Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read program was:


  • Developed using research on phonics, phonemic awareness and oral language, alphabetic knowledge, and print awareness
  • Based on our learn-practice-read approach, systematic phonics instruction, and multisensory materials
  • Divided into an educational arc that addresses each stage of a child’s reading development
  • Developed in conjunction with educators, children’s authors, and parents
  • Tested by kids, parents, and teachers
  • Designed to build children’s confidence as readers

The Pre-K Phonics for 3-4 year olds was gifted to us by my mother-in-law earlier this year. I introduced it to our 2-year-old last week and he LOVES it! We started with Level 1 Unit 1 which covers the letters A-H. One of the Tips for Success include setting your own pace, making sure you are aware of your toddler’s attention span and openness to learning. With that in mind, I split the 1st Unit into two days, to cover A-D one day and E-H on the 2nd day. Each unit includes the use of flash cards, a booklet with a 2 page layout for each letter, a DVD with fun songs and a storybook. It is very simple and easy to follow. His favorite part is dancing and singing along with the DVD. This week, we will most likely keep to the same Unit A-H and 2 day routine. He is really a sponge when it comes to learning and as long as he’s having fun, we’re gonna go for it!

Have you introduced your toddler to any fundamental skills?

Linking up with Mommy Monday Blog Hop and Her and Nicole!


  1. Hey Natasha,

    Thank you so much for linking up with us at Mommy Monday Blog Hop!

    With my toddler, we do unstructured play mostly. Since I’m homeschooling my olders, the toddle participates in crafts and activities. I don’t do anything structured though.

    My history program has a coloring book, so he/she will listen in and color.

    I start the phonics when they start bugging me to start. It depends upon the child, really. Ava was really gung ho, and stared bugging before I was ready. But, she was telling me she was ready at late 3 early 4 – so I did a few things with her, not much. We could only wrk 10-15 minutes as she would start to tire.

    Now that she is in kindergarten, she can work longer periods of time and having multiple classes. She’s really excited. With my son, that wouldn’t have worked. I started him much later – almost 6. But, he’s not any worse for the wear. He is a reading fiend.

    Thanks so much for your post. I have subscribed to all of your social media and sent you a facebook message. Also, yur G+ icon in your top right sidebar doesn’t work. When I click it, I get to my g+ page and not yours. I see you have a g+ follow down on the page, but I thought I would tell you.

    1. Author

      Thanks so much Lisa for your input and for hosting the hop! Insight like you have given is awesome in helping gauge what other moms are doing and what’s working and not working so that we all can be successful! Thanks again!

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