Strength Training

Strength Training1

Tank: Under Armour, Jacket/Bottom: Banana Republic, Shoes: Nike

Strength Training2


As women, the older we get, the more our metabolism slows down which means the less we burn calories and fat. The solution, though not an easy fix, is strength training. More muscle is good for us, ladies!!! Muscle burns calories and fat, even while you are resting…can’t beat that! My goal is to strength train at least 3 times per week.

Monthly Measures with Nicole @ Pharr Away

Weighing in at 173.2lbs today, about the same as last month! I cannot complain…I eat everything that I want and I mean everything. But I workout hard, so I pretty much maintain my weight. I’m also on target with my 30 miles in 30 days Challenge, currently at 21 miles on Day 21. I actually caught up this morning by jogging 2 miles! Follow me on Twitter #30mile30days!


  1. Your arms are amazing! Wow, great job!

  2. Girl, you rock! Look at those Michelle Obama arms, amazing! I’m trying to be like you when I grow up :)!!!

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