Professional head shots are becoming more and more popular, as profiles on Social Media are being viewed by potential employers and clients alike. Thus, the importance of having a professional head shot whether you are trying to build a brand or appeal to potential clients/employers is key. So, I’m sharing My Top 3 – Professional Head Shots.

My Top 3 - Professional Head Shots

My Top 3 – Professional Head Shots:

1. Fresh Hair and Makeup. You always want to make sure that you look your best as your headshot may make a first impression for landing that dream job or new clients.
2. The Right Attire. Make sure that your attire captures your profession and the type of atmosphere in which you plan to work. From Women’s Business casual to Women’s Business attire.
3. Confidence. Despite what some may think, being confident goes a long way. And it can really shine through in a photo.

What importance do you place on having professional head shots? Are there any tips that you’d add to My Top 3 – Professional Head Shot Tips?