Self Portrait – 32 Weeks and Counting

A Self Portrait. I love photography and have had the opportunity to do more of it as of late. I’ve been eyeing the windows in our bedroom for the past few weeks, thinking that a backlit maternity shot might just work there. My hubs usually takes all of my photos for the blog but since he was at work, I decided to go ahead and give it a go. So I set up my tripod and auto timer on my camera and took a few shots. Once I found a decent shot, I used Dove Preset from Pretty Presets and a few hand edits. It’s a little grainy but works for this self-portrait…such a great way to capture these precious moments.

And by the way, Prego life is going well, had an awesome doctor’s appointment this week at 32 Weeks. My only current issue is pelvic and ligament pain here and there but other than that, it’s been going well! 32 weeks and counting…
Self Portrait

1 Comment

  1. I love photography absolutely beautiful~ I wish I had took pictures like this when I was pregnant with my children. 🙂

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