15 Things Learned 1st Year Homeschooling 15 Things Learned 1st Year Homeschooling. I compiled this list as kind of a momento…something to look back on years from now and say boy, I’ve learned a lot more since then. But wanted to share as it may help you in your homeschool journey. I doRead More →

Measuring Success As a stay at home/work at home mom, how do you measure success? As a stay at home/work at home Mom, most days you’re left feeling dissatisfied because you don’t feel like anything has been accomplished…For some reason, we are blinded to all the “things” that we doRead More →

For Moms (Stay At Home, Work At Home Moms) For Moms. As a former corporate employee of over 12 years and now a mom that chose to stay at home and work at home with her littles, I sometimes struggle with the thought…is being home with them enough. For the Stay atRead More →