
Week 30: The God Who Sees Me {Previous Weeks}

Genesis 16:13 (NKJV)
“Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees;”

devotionalheseesme {Image via}

God Who Sees Me. The story in Genesis 16 begins with Abram and Sarai reminiscing about the promise of God to give them a child and how they had not conceived yet. So after 10 years, Sarai gives her maidservant Hagar to her husband and she becomes pregnant. Sarai then tortures the maidservant so much that she ends up running away, in the wilderness with nowhere to go and expecting a child. In the midst of this, God appears to Hagar and lets her know that she is not forgotten!

Some things to note about Hagar, the maidservant…She
*Didn’t like her situation
*Didn’t ask for her situation
*Tried to run away from her situation

BUT in her situation; she found God… and realized his deep concern and care for her, even so much that her child was named Ishmael, the Lord has heard your affliction.

You may be feeling like Hagar…in a bad situation that you don’t like, didn’t ask for and that you are trying to run away from. I invite you to meditate on Gen 16:13 and affirm that the Lord is the God that sees you. He knows you intimately, knows when you rise and when you fall. He sees you, he knows you and he cares for you and he has your best interest in mind! He sees you and You are not forgotten!

Be encouraged!