Each year, we try to think of things that will redirect our focus back to the true meaning of Christmas for our family. And reading The Christmas Story is one way of doing just that. This is a must add to your kid’s Christmas reading list.

The Story of Christmas

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Now, Jesus Calling®: The Story of Christmas uniquely teaches the Christmas story to your children by starting at creation and sharing that Jesus has always been present and that God has always had a plan for Christmas. Bible verses and Jesus Calling devotions are on every spread of this beautifully illustrated book with foil and glitter on the cover.

I’m a fan of the original Jesus Calling devotional, which I still include in my daily bible devotion and readings so I knew that this book would be spot on when it came to relaying the Christmas message to our children in a way that they would totally understand. And in a way that was fully infused with biblical scripture.

The Story of Christmas

So now you have the opportunity to teach your children the story of Christmas . . . starting from creation! In Jesus Calling®: The Story of Christmas, children will discover that God always had a plan for Christmas.

Christ was chosen before the world was made.

—1 Peter 1:20

The Christmas story began long, long ago. Before the angel Gabriel told Mary she would have God’s Son. Before the shepherds saw the angels and before the wise men saw the star.

Even before the sun and the moon shone for the first time, before the first cows ever moooed and the first monkeys ever climbed! Before Adam and Even took their first walk in the Garden of Eden, God had a plan for Christmas.

From the beginning of time, God had a plan to save his children. That plan was Jesus!

The Story of Christmas

Jesus Calling®: The Story of Christmas is a beautifully embellished jacketed hardcover with foil and glitter. Curl up with your little ones around the Christmas tree with Jesus Calling®: The Story of Christmas.

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