Is it just me or do you feel like you’re always having to run out the house so that you can make it to your next ‘thing’ on time! Any show of hands? Well yeah, just because its Summer does not mean that we have slowed down any. So I’m sharing Tips for Parents on the Go for days and weeks like mine that are filled with activities like camps, family visits, vacays and kid sports. Also keep reading to see a super quick video on the MUST have for Parents on the Go!

Just this morning, we needed to get out of the house fast quick and in a hurry so that we can get to camp on time as our oldest is participating in a Science and Technology Camp this week….   So what did I grab, Danimals for the kids!

Tips for Parents on the Go

Danimals was perfect for a quick grab and go and drink in the car…the kids LOVE it!

Tips for Parents on the Go

Tips for Parents on the Go

  1. Keep Snacks On Hand. This is totally a no brainer, I know. But this is just to help you with choosing a great snack for your kids for on the go. Danimals is an awesome choice! One cool thing is that they easily fit into a purse and/or backpack! And since Danimals need to be refrigerated be sure to keep that in mind when you grab for on the go.
  2. Keep Entertainment on Hand. That includes entertainment for you too, Mom and Dad. Always take a good book with you for times when you’re waiting for the kids to finish up an activity. And bring entertainment for littles! Just in case you’re stuck in traffic, you just never know when it will come in handy.
  3. Be Flexible. Rigid schedules are no good if you want to keep your sanity while you are out and about. With kids you have to remain flexible! There is always the possibility of things not going as planned. Be flexible to change when it’s needed.

So although you’re on the go and need a quick solution for snacks, that’s no reason to sell yourself and your kids short on nutrition. Danimals dairy products provide kids with a good source of calcium and vitamin D to help kids build strong bones and regulate muscle function.

So Danimals are great for Parents on the Go and they are conveniently located at Walmart!

Watch this quick video on the MUST have for Parents on the Go….Now head over to Walmart to grab yours!

YouTube video


  1. Oh these look so yummy, but I also love the fact that they are so easy and handy to grab and take along when we’re rushing out the door! Shall definitely look out for these – my two will love them!

  2. I used to love these yoghurt drinks as a kid. Great for a boost as you run out of the door on a busy morning!

  3. I am always on the lookout for snacks that my daughter and I can have while we are out. My daughter does love Danimals and we purchase it frequently for her.

  4. I love yogurt drinks, they remind me of my own childhood. Back in the day, Yop was a huge thing and we couldn’t get enough of it.

  5. Cool! This is awesome stuff to know. Preparation for the day out makes all the difference with your little ones! Haha I know we have all be in those “uh-oh” moments!

  6. Children really need quick energy sources when they are doing their activities. This looks like a great product .

  7. When you have kids on the go, having snacks that are easily mobile is super important. The kids I babysit LOVE these things!

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