
Week 18: Victorious {Previous Weeks}

Psalm 8:5-6: You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.
You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet…

It is so easy to allow life’s mishaps and unfortunate circumstances to get us to the point where we feel so defeated…where our emotions get the best of us and where wrong thinking fuels wrong actions.

Well the verses above are describing us! God has made US a little lower than the angels and crowned US with glory and honor! Most importantly he has made US rulers over the works of his hands and placed ALL things under our feet!! Thus, we must remember that we have been made to RULE and REIGN in life because God has placed all things under our feet!

We are Victorious! Meditate on the verses above this week and begin to confession that YOU rule and reign in life because of Jesus!


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