
(Image from “9 Things Running Has Taught Me“)

Progress! That’s all that really matters in the end. When you set a goal, continue to press towards that goal no matter what. Use this acronym for “SMART” goals to set yourself up for success!!

“SMART” Goals:

S = Specific, Be specific in what you want to achieve. For example: Complete 30 Miles in 30 Days!

M = Measurable, Make sure that you can track your progress toward completion.

A = Achievable, Make sure that your goal is attainable and reasonable. For example: Don’t set a goal for running a marathon next week if you are not yet able to run a quarter mile.

R = Relevant, Make sure that your goal fits your current lifestyle and plan; that it makes sense for you at this present time.

T = Time-bound, Make sure that you assign an actual length of time to complete the goal. Leaving it open ended will lend itself to not being achieved.

My SMART goal was to complete 30 Miles in 30 Days! I mentioned last Wellness Wednesday that I had been under the weather due to seasonal allergies so I did not workout for 5 days straight (it felt like a year), but I needed the rest. On this past Saturday, I actually started my personal fitness challenge and began logging in my miles toward my goal. Here’s how I’m tracking…

30 Miles in 30 Days
Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
x x x x x 2.43 1
1 2

Progress, is what I say! What SMART goals will you make for your health and/or fitness?

Linking up with: Rolled Up Pretty


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