
According to some medical research, your waistline could be saying a lot!  Increased belly fat can indicate an array of health issues like elevated blood pressure, blood sugar and an increased risk of diseases.

One overall way of reducing/burning fat is sprint training which I discussed last week {here}. Another way to whittle your middle is by adding planks into your workout. It works your entire core. Additionally, research has shown how planks are beneficial for your overall health including: stabilizing your spine, preventing lower back pain, and building core strength.

I have been gradually adding in planks to my routine. I have been doing the standard plank and most recently one minute planks where I hit my obliques as well. The one minute plank consists of two-15 second standard planks and two-15 second side planks (1 for each side).

References: WebMD and Mayo Clinic.

Now for the Lovely Connection Blog Hop!

What’s the fun in having a blog, if you don’t connect and share it with others! The purpose of the Lovely Connection Blog Hop is to do just that; to give you the opportunity to connect with other bloggers that peak your interests. The Lovely Connection will go live each Wednesday and I will randomly feature a Blog from the previous week which will give each of you the opportunity to gain more exposure.


…Only suggestions:

1. Follow me your host Natasha @ Lovely You via Bloglovin’,  Facebook or Twitter

2. Link up directly to your blog post

3. Connect with at least 3 other Lovely blogs and leave a comment to show some bloggy love

4. Grab the Blog Hop button and spread the word

Grab button for Lovely You Blog


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That’s all, now make a Lovely Connection!

Linking up with Her and Nicole and Get Fit, Healthy Life.


  1. Hey there! It’s so funny that I was thinking of doing a post next week on the different plank positions that people can do! I will still most likely do it! Great minds think alike! 🙂

    1. Author

      I know right, that’s too cool! Looking forward to reading your post! Thanks for stopping by and for hosting a meaningful blog hop!!

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