
Tops: Express, r21, Pants: Express, Necklace: Lovely You Boutique (old), Bracelets: Express, Shoes: Nine West


Seek first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness then all these things will be added to you (Matt 6:33).

It is so easy to lose focus in the busy-ness of life on what your focus should be. Lately, I have been focused on my next career move and my business ventures. I admit, I have been overwhelmed at times over the past weeks with juggling all the activities of life, but one thing remains…he will keep me in perfect peace, those whose mind is stayed on him (Isaiah 26:3).

I know that I must keep my focus on God and then all these other things will work themselves out.

3 Tips for Staying God Focused

1-Meditate on God’s Word. Pick specific verses for encouragement or that may speak to a specific issue in your life.

2-Pray daily. That includes praying for others!

3-Remember all the good/positive things that are happening in your life. It’s so easy to concentrate on the bad, but I’m sure you can attest that the good always out weigh the bad!

Linking up with Funny PostPartum Lady and Style Elixir!!