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A Loss for Words

There is no surprise that there is a lost in one-on-one, face-to-face communication due heavily to the increase in techy gadgets. So are we at a loss for words? Days can go by where you chat mindlessly with your spouse, family or friends via text, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter but the essence of the communication is not there. There are no facial expressions (and emojis just don’t count) and there is no body language giving the full essence of what you are trying to say. And needless to say, so much of the thoughts behind the conversations, are lost or up for their own interpretations. You are just unable to “say what you mean, and mean what you say” as my Mom says.

So can we bring back some “Real Talk”!

That’s exactly what my hubs and I have been doing! We have a scheduled talk time and it’s just time we’ve set a side daily and intentionally to connect on a deeper level with each other. No electronics, no kids, just talk. So what do we talk about? Whatever is on our mind, from what’s been working well and not so well with homeschool to Fantasy Football to how we’re progressing on our goals! And we both are loving it! I have the time set on my alarm but the hubs makes sure we execute it each day.

The bottom line is that Real Talk pays dividends in the end…Closer Marriage relationships builds Closer Families! Do you have “Real Talk” sessions with your spouse or other relationships that matter to you?


  1. This is good!

  2. Absolutely a great move. As a relationship columnist and family law attorney, I have seen how lack of quality communication can destroy relationships.

  3. I tried too my hubs still sits and talk to me while on his phone his weakness is Facebook he loves scrolling that thing. But we have to get back to talking it’s needed

  4. I’ve been accused of being a social media addict by two many people lately so yes, I need to get out of the iPhone and back into the real world! Real Talk is an awesome idea that I will now be employing. Thank you!

  5. Such a great thing to do! It is so easy to just wander through the day like a zombie not having any meaningful interaction with others.

  6. Real Talk sounds like a fantastic idea. I agree that technology today is removing the face-to-face conversation from our communication streams. I don’t have a spouse; but if I did, I would schedule Real Talk time as well. Thanks for sharing.

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