Postpartum 1st 48 – What to Expect Postpartum 1st 48. Birthing a child is beautiful, an actual miracle. But with this awesome miracle, comes another side. So I thought it important to document my postpartum experience this time around…this last time around! Because something mysteriously happens to your memory; it seemingly goesRead More →

$500 Target Gift Card Giveaway Target Gift Card Giveaway. Hi Lovelies, it has been a while since I’ve had a giveaway on the blog! So I am happy to be co-hosting this awesome giveaway with a few other bloggy friends. Here you go…a $500 Target Gift Card Giveaway. And whoRead More →

3 Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a Newborn Valentine’s Day with a Newborn. Got a little that is too little for a babysitter? Well there’s no reason to not celebrate with the Love of your life on the most commercialized day of Love, Right :)! Yes, it’s commercialized butRead More →

baby story

A Baby Story {D-day} A Baby Story. So I didn’t want to write up the typical long drawn out birth story because to be honest most people wouldn’t read it. Plus, I have the long detailed version documented for my own sentiments. Being the case, I wanted to do something differentRead More →

Panther Nation Love – Super Bowl 50 Panther Nation. We are Panther’s Fans in our house hold and we always have been…no jumping band wagons here! And we are so proud of the awesome season they are having. I truly believe that the Carolina Panther’s will walk away with theRead More →

Baby Announcement – She’s Here! Baby Announcement. Baby Isabella is finally here!! She is absolutely beautiful and perfectly healthy, thank God! And we are beyond excited as she made her grande entrance fashionably 2 days late. We are home loving on our sweet new addition and transitioning into our newRead More →

Valentine’s Day Sweet Treat Valentine’s Day Sweet Treat. Are you getting ready for Valentine’s Day?! Here’s a great post I wanted to re-share of some yummy chocolate covered heart-shaped strawberries for my Sweeties…the hubs and the kids, that I made for Valentine’s Day! I got the heart-shaped idea from the FoodRead More →

Hospital Bag Essentials Hospital Bag Essentials. It is recommended to assemble a “hospital bag” several weeks before the delivery of your baby such that you are not fumbling around looking for needed items on D-day. So I put together a bag about 3 weeks prior to my due date. ForRead More →

Red Carpet Ready Dresses by Aisle Style Bridal Red Carpet Ready. Are you getting excited about the Grammys? The Grammys is one of my favorite award shows because I love music. I know the celebrities will be bringing their A game on the Red Carpet so I’m definitely looking forwardRead More →

The Keys to Life The Keys to Life. “Take hold of my instructions; don’t let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life.” ‭Proverbs‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬ Mostly everything that we buy comes with a manual, from toys to electronics. And in order to properly assemble the item andRead More →