Grief is exhausting. It is an emotional journey that can leave us feeling utterly depleted, physically, mentally, and spiritually. In the midst of this overwhelming exhaustion, finding rest may seem like an insurmountable challenge. Beyond what we could have ever imagined. I describe grief as a whole other level ofRead More →

What is Lent and how can we connect with God in grief during Lent? I started engaging with Lent in my college years when my boss at the time would come back to the office from lunch break with ashes on his forehead. “What does Roger have on his face?”Read More →

“Just move on.” Three words a griever should never have to hear. Yet, it happens. Sometimes not with these exact words but others that are implied. It may sound like…” Oh, it’s okay, you can always have more kids”, “He wasn’t right for you anyway”, “You can find another job”,Read More →

We live in a “hurry up and get over it” culture where grievers are often judged for “grieving too long”. Yet, grief isn’t a race to see who will get over it faster. As Christ-followers, there is often this notion that if you are grieving longer than what is deemedRead More →

I met apathy along my grief journey when I didn’t know what it was. It often sounded like this in my mind among those around me… “I don’t feel like laughing and joking around”, “I don’t care what celebrity is dating who” or “what the biggest concert is in town”,Read More →

With the new year comes new resolutions, a word for the year, new intentions, and new goals. Often for grievers, the newness of another year can feel stale. Because the grief of the last year or years past is still lingering. So today, I’m sharing unique self-care practices for grievers.Read More →

Grief is natural and normal. And it’s threaded throughout the Bible. The Bible affirms grief as normal. So, I want to introduce you to Naomi. Her story in the Bible teaches us about grief. When we first find Naomi, we are introduced to her in the book of Ruth. SomeRead More →

Advent Hope for Grievers will allow you to step into a reflective journey of healing and hope during the Advent season with 7 days of devotions. In the midst of grief, these devotions offer a sacred space to navigate the complexities of loss. Intertwining the timeless message of Advent withRead More →