Encountering Beauty Counter

Beauty Counter

Encountering Beauty Counter. I had not heard of Beauty Counter before being introduced by a consultant recently….The intent and story behind these products is fascinating and one that I believe all woman who use skin care products should hear.

Nikki the Beauty Counter consultant contacted me and forwarded a bit of information about the products that I will share here…”Beautycounter is a new and upcoming safe, luxurious line of personal care and cosmetics. There are over 10,000 chemicals in products we use everyday that have never been tested for safely on humans. Toxins that are known to be linked to cancer, hormone disruption, birth defects, and infertility. The sad thing is that the U.S. has not passed a law to regulate the industry since 1938! Pretty scary. Here’s a brief video that breaks down hormone disruptors: http://youtu.be/tTs7v906x8s.”

Did that get your attention? It sure got mine! I had the opportunity to try a few of theseĀ Fab Products. And my 1st impression was luxurious, starting with the smell. The smell of the products is So Spa-like…it smells of Citrus and goes on clean smooth and non-oily.

Beauty CounterI used #1, #2 and #3 for a daytime routine and #1, #2, #3, and #4 for a night-time routine. #5 is used more as a spritzer, perfect for after coming from the pool or sunbathing or to set your makeup.

1. Routine Clean Cream Cleanser

2. Everyday AM Hydrating Cream

3. Countertime Vibrant Eye Protector

4. Countertime Restorative Night Cream

5. Rose Water Refreshing Spray


These products were all about moisturizing the body. I especially loved the combination of the Body Butter with the Lustro Body Oil as suggested by the consultant. Also perfect for a stretching pregnant belly!

1. Hydrate Everyday Lotion

2. Body Butter

3. Lustro Body Oil

I really loved and enjoyed trying these products. For any green or clean product conscious woman, these products are a MUST!

Have you heard about these products? Do you want to learn more?

Follow Nikki on Facebook {Beauty Counter By Nikki} for great information on this luxurious line of products and helpful tips!