
My Dad is healed of cancer!!! I had to share this awesome news with you today!!!

I wanted to make a long story short but I wanted you to get the full picture! So here’s the the backstory…

Last April/May 2012, my dad was admitted into the hospital for a blockage in his heart which resulted in a stint installation. During the process of figuring out that there was a blockage, a CT scan was performed which showed that his Lymph Nodes were enlarged {From Wikipedia, a lymph node or lymph gland is an oval-shaped organ of the immune system, distributed widely throughout the body including the armpit and stomach. They act as filters or traps for foreign particles and are important in the proper functioning of the immune system.} The doctor at the time told us that it was Lymphoma, a type of cancer and they referred him to an Oncologist (cancer doctor) in the area where he lived to determine the type of Lymphoma and they type of treatment.  The news was devastating to our family, as we had just lost one of my sisters to Lymphoma less than a year prior to this diagnosis! So, I immediately started researching Oncologists in the area where I live because the doctors (in my opinion) are more knowledgeable, skillful and the level of care is the best. We went back and forth to the Oncologist over the course of a year, getting scans and biopsies to indeed confirm that the enlarged nodes were cancer. But neither the scans nor the biopsy gave us a definitive answer.

All the while, my family and I were believing in Faith that God had healed my dad of this horrible disease!  I had been praying and fasting and fasting and praying for my dad’s healing. My family and my church family were all praying and most importantly, believing!

On this past Friday, 8/9/13 a Thoracic Surgeon performed a procedure to remove tissue from a lymph node that had enlarged even more since dad’s last scan. Once again, the tissue did not give enough information. Thus, another procedure was performed directly after and an entire lymph node was removed to allow pathologists to analyze it. After about 3 hours in surgery, the surgeon told me and my mom that it’s looking like it is a low-grade lymphoma. I asked what that meant and he said that it was a slow-growing cancer.  He said it’s not good news but at least we know what it is now. He said the office would contact us on Monday or Tuesday to give us the final results as to what type it was and that we could get dad in for treatment as early as the next week.

I must admit, I was not feeling the best when I walked out of that room. My mom and I went to grab a very late lunch as dad still had a few hours in recovery. Before we even left the parking lot of the hospital, I reminded my mom…WE WALK BY FAITH and not by what we hear or see or feel! We know what the doctor said but we believe God’s Word and God’s Word says that “with his stripes we were healed”! I called my sister and niece to tell them what the doctor said but mainly to remind them of the very same thing; that we walk by Faith!  Later that evening, I reminded my dad of the very same thing. We held hands in a circle, prayed and believed God for good results despite of what the doctor said. On Sunday, we had an awesome church, where my Pastor spoke on Faith and it just stirred me up even the more to believe that ALL THINGS are possible to those who believe!

On Monday 8/12/13, at around 4:10pm, I received a call from the doctor’s office saying that the pathology results said NO CANCER!!!!  I was beyond ecstatic!! God Healed my dad of cancer and I had to tell you all about it on this Thankful Thursday! I’m still so amazed by what I have witnessed but it is just a testament that God does Heal and that he does answer our prayers. It’s been a little over a year-long process but GOD did it, dad is healed of cancer!

Thank you LORD!


  1. Praise God!!!! Such wonderful news!! I love reading testimonies like this (^_^)

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      Yes Nikell…just Awesome! Praise God!

  2. You had me bawling reading this! What a testimony we have of God’s goodness, grace and mercy!!! Through everything I’m definitely learning that it doesn’t matter what the situation looks like (at all)…God is in control, He has a plan and He’s working it out!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!

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      Absolutely Nicole! God is A-mazing and I am continuing to learn that faith is trusting God and really calls of to turn off everything around us that’s not God’s Word! Just completely overjoyed!

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