Jump Start your Bounce Back – 3 Quick Calorie Burn Exercises. Ok before I get into this, let me just say that I’m currently about 15lbs heavier than I’d like to be. I let my winter weight creep, creep up a little bit too high lol. And that’s okay, I’ve learned to love myself at every weight as long as it poses no health risks. But now, I’m working on getting back to what I consider my normal weight. and sharing How to: Jump Start your Bounce Back – 3 Quick Calorie Burn Exercises with you today so that you can join in or root me on :)!

Jump Start Your Bounce Back

Jump Start your Bounce Back – 3 Quick Calorie Burn Exercises

What is HITT anyway? In short, it’s high-intensity interval training. A training technique in which you push yourself with intense bursts of a particular exercise, followed by short, but active recovery periods or rest.

What makes it awesome, is that it burns more calories in a shorter amount of time. Again, the tip here is to push as hard as you can for a certain amount of time, let’s say 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds. Hence, the ‘Intense’ portion of HITT. So I’m sharing 3 HITT exercises that do not require a gym membership. Each of which you can burn upwards of 100 calories in 10 minutes using only your body weight. You can do them at home, while traveling, at the park…you name it.

  1. Jumping Jacks. My personal favorite right now is jumping jacks. Great for a quick cardio and calorie burn. My tip and what I do: I try to do at least 25 jumping jacks after every potty break…that means I’m burning 100s of calories throughout the day without much effort.
  2. Jump Rope. Also a favorite since childhood, that’s often overlooked. But jump rope is a great way to burn more calories by turning up the intensity. It can be really fun with so many benefits including increasing agility and quickness.
  3. Jump Squats. I love these as well and have done them more and more over the years. They help to tone the lower body including the calves, glutes, hamstrings, core, and quadriceps.

So give these a try and let me know what you think. You can even use these three (3) exercises as a circuit routine burning even more calories. You’re only a few minutes away from your bounce back…let’s go!