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New Year New Credit - 3 Tips

Frustration, disappointment and confusion are 3 words that describe how I felt when trying to get my credit in a good position for purchasing my first home. I was young and didn’t know where to start. And knowing ‘where to start’ to get your credit back on track is golden. So, today, I’m sharing New Year New Credit – 3 Tips with Lexington Law Firm.

Now, just before getting into the swing of the holidays and all the holiday shopping, let’s take a few minutes to think about our financial health. For my husband and I, it is important to be good models for our children, as we plan for the future.

New Year New Credit - 3 Tips

Between tuition for the kids as they transition from Homeschool to private school for their high school years, to preparing for the purchase of their own cars and saving for college tuition, ensuring that our credit is kept in tact is a must. 

There are so many things that can affect your credit. For me, I had a truck load of credit card debt that I racked up during my college years, student loans, and some medical bills. So, in trying to purchase my first home, I was turned down for loans and offered loans with too high of an interest rate. I was contacting credit agencies and creditors to try to correct issues on my credit report and to negotiate terms for credit balances. Navigating through the process alone was painful. I did eventually get the loan to purchase the house but with great tedious effort.

Thankfully, you do not have to go at it alone. Lexington Law Firm has resources that can help you with credit repair. They are the oldest and most respected name in the credit repair industry. With the legal expertise and technology to be an advocate and to drive results.

And here’s how.

New Year New Credit – 3 Tips

Take Your Financial Pulse.

New Year New Credit - 3 Tips

Two words: Credit Score. You should know your score as it is a major factor that can affect your buying power. Like your ability to purchase a home or car. You can obtain your score from these credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

Now, there is so much information that has been put out there since the growth in the credit repair industry, in recent years. Some good, some not so good. Information that we, as consumers, must be aware of. This includes possible errors that can and need to be fixed on our credit report.

As mentioned, I discovered discrepancies in my credit report. And it was painstaking to dispute, have items corrected and removed on my own. When I was trying to obtain approval for a home mortgage. 

Lexington Law Firm is able to communicate efficiently and effectively with all three credit bureaus on such issues because of their rapport and knowledge base on what it takes to having errors removed.

Set Financial Goals.

Whether you want to be debt free, buy a home or prepare for retirement, setting financial goals are a must.

Now, this could include smaller goals that make up the ‘bigger picture’ of your overall finances. For instance, your goal can be to improve your credit score. This in turn could help you reach the larger goal of home ownership.

The bottom line is that we all have the right to good credit. And although it may take some time to improve it, it can be done. The good news is that the law is on your side to help fix mistakes. 

Did you know that millions of Americans are denied loans for homes and cars due to errors on their credit reports each year? And on average, it can take up to four months to correct these errors? Well Lexington Law Firm is the resource you want to have on your side to help.

Develop Financial Action Plan.

Now after you have an idea of what your credit looks like and have set some financial goals, it is time to develop an action plan. Repairing your credit and improving your credit score should be the first thing on your list.

Lexington Law Firm can help you navigate credit repair with their legal knowledge and experience. They offer a variety of packages that will accommodate what you are looking for.

These three main steps can put you in the right direction. By analyzing: working to identify your financial goals. Then by addressing: creating a plan action steps to achieve those goals. And lastly, by accelerating: getting the help you need to keep the process going to help you reach those goals.

So with that, these simple 3 Tips can make it a Happy, New Year New Credit!

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