Pregnancy and Natural Hair


Pregnancy and Natural Hair. During pregnancy, especially the last portion of it, the last thing you should be worried about it your hair. Yes, you still want to look like you are among the land of the living and that you are indeed taking care of yourself during this time frame. So, here are some low maintenance options to take on during pregnancy.

Extensions/Weave Install {1st Trimester} – I started my 1st trimester with a weave install…it was pretty much little to no maintenance since the hair already had texture. No need for curling or flat ironing…I just hated when it was time to take it down. But from there it was easy to move right along into my next low maintenance style…le wig!

Wearing a wig {1st/2nd Trimester} – This was LOVE during the 1st/2nd trimester when my energy level was next to none it felt like. I would just throw on my wig and go. The wonderful thing about wearing a wig, is that I can remove it each day so that my natural hair could breathe.

Blow out {2nd/3rd Trimester} – Since my exercise routine is down to a minimum; I have been able to maintain a blowout for 2 to 3 weeks at a time…wearing my hair with bangs and either a high or low pony. And if I’m feeling fancy, I’ll put some curls in it and wear it down. Since I have some length to my hair this was a low maintenance option for me.

Braids/Twists {3rd Trimester} – I plan to get either braids or twists after the holidays, several weeks prior to delivery! In my opinion, they are the best low maintenance option out there.

Ok Lovelies…How did you manage your hair during pregnancy?