A Reason to Give


A Reason to Give. This is near and dear to my heart. I am raising money for Gabby, my 8 year old niece that was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor in Oct. 2015.

As written by her mom: “Before the diagnosis Gabby was a healthy child. The only medical problem she had was getting her tonsils removed which never happened and is the least of our problems now.

Since her diagnosis she’s had 4 major surgeries including a 12 hour craniotomy. It was longest day of our lives. She’s also had 2 minor surgeries with placement of 2 ports internal and external. I’ve had to be out of work to care for my daughter.

With all the tremendous support I’ve had it’s still not enough. We are currently at UNC Hospital receiving treatment that requires us to be here for 3 months. I’m not able to go back and forth to work which is in Greenville.

I am a single parent and her primary care giver. I have been very blessed with support of family and friends so am apprehensive about asking for help.
The medical bills are tremendous even with the health insurance. Also there are monthly bills that are behind because I am not able to work consistently.

A family member suggested I use this site for financial support because there are people out there that want to help. Thank you in advance for your support.”

Click here to support. Thank you so much for any donations and your prayers! #TEAMGABBY